Art Advisory and Art Transaction , course, online @Lettera I

The Art Advisory and Art Transactions course analyzes the world scenario of the art market within a theoretical-practical perspective, its actors, what is sold and how it is sold.

It develops a specialized analysis of the artistic asset as an economic asset, of its peculiarities in the art system.

The key figure is that of the Art Advisor, seen through his fundamental role and the changes in relation to the financial system, with particular attention to the tools he uses to carry out his task.


Registration fee: 570 €





Art Advisory e Transazioni d’Arte

The course is configured through a concrete approach, designed to provide the indispensable tools for starting the multiple careers that the Cultural Heritage sector offers.

The professional figure of the consultant, or art advisor, or art ambassador is analyzed in a theoretical and practical way, able first of all to objectively evaluate the most diverse types of artistic assets by understanding the work in relation to market trends.

The aberrant art market: the dystonia compared to other markets

The contemporary art system and its circuit: artists, museums, galleries, auctions

Importance of unavailability of the artistic asset

Collectors, speculators, art lovers

The Art Advisor: definition, negotiations, purchases, estimates, expertise

The importance of the brand

Art advisory and art transactions: rules, procedures, working methods, appraisals, condition reports

The psychology of auctions, the prices of contemporary art

Economic evaluation of art, transactions and sale of works of art, from the collector to the investor


Location: via Oberdan 5, Bologna, Italy

Telephone: 051 237911

Office hours: from Monday to Friday 9: 30-13: 00 and 14: 30-18: 30


Terms of use: any information collected on such occasions will be used by us exclusively to provide you with an answer and will not be disclosed to third parties for any reason. Your data is protected by the GDPR (European regulation on the processing of personal data).

The relevant document can be found at this link. The data processor is Lettera i srl.


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